Tips to Improve Your Chances of Getting Disability Benefits


The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses specific criterion to judge your disability benefits claim. Even if you have a genuine disability, the success of your claim depends on how well you put your case. This is why it is important to know SSA requirements as well as other criterion SSA examiners may use to judge your case.
The good news is that even if your claim has been denied in the past, you can reapply for the benefits. Following are some key tips that will significantly improve your odds of getting the disability benefits you deserve.

File Your Claim as Soon as Possible

If you have a disability, you should seek social security disability benefits as soon as possible. The claims process takes a considerable amount of time. And you want to file at the earliest so that your claim will be decided upon in a timely manner. Another reason to file soonest is the expiry date on your disability insurance. Many disability benefits directly depend on whether or not you have disability insurance. This is why you want your claims process to begin before the insurance has expired.

Make an Appeal within 60 Days

SSA gives you 60 days to make an appeal against a denial of your claim. This is very small window in which you must improve on your previous application by adding the right and relevant supporting materials. At this point, it makes a lot of sense for you to hire a disability benefits attorney. When you make an appeal, it will likely be heard by an administrative law judge. If you have an attorney by your side, the process is a lot easier and you have better odds of presenting a more convincing case for your claim.

Provide Full Details of Medical Treatment

The medical treatment you have received in the past is a vital part of your SSDI application. Many applications tend to provide incomplete details of their previous medical treatment. A disability examiner may not have the time, resources or mandate to look up this information. This can cause the examiner to reject the claim or ascribe it less importance. To stay on the safe side of things, it is best to include full details of your past medical treatment. This includes the dates of the treatment, the exact name, location and address of the facility as well as the contact information of the relevant doctors.

Provide Proof of Recent Treatment

You must have received medical treatment from a doctor at least once in the three months before you file your claim. This is mandatory to qualify for SSA’s definition of a ‘disability.’ You must also visit a doctor once every two months to qualify for disability benefits in general. When you file a claim for disability benefits, it is important that you attach proof of such a recent treatment. This proof significantly improves the odds of getting your application approved by an examiner.

Report your Symptoms Accurately

A portion of the SSA disability benefits application is about the symptoms you experience. In this section, make sure you detail your symptoms as accurately and clearly as possible. The accuracy of these symptoms may help SSA match your disability with its own listing of impairments. If that’s not the case, it will still help an examiner or the judge get a vivid picture of the limitations you suffer.

Provide Medical Evidence

The medical evidence you provide with your disability claims application is used by the SSA examiners to accept or reject your claim. You must provide all the relevant evidence including history of medical problems and treatments, results of clinical exams and lab tests, current diagnosis of your disability as well as the testimony of the doctors.

Provide Details of your Work History

Your work history is another crucial part of your disability application. It is used by SSA examiners to determine the severity of your disability as well as the degree of limitations imposed by your disability. Make sure you accurately fill in the details of your work history.

Hiring a Disability Lawyer in Columbia, SC for Help Getting Disability Benefits

Whether you are filing a first-time claim for disability benefits or making an appeal against a denial, you should hire a disability attorney. An attorney can help you meet the key requirements, provide supporting materials and make sure your application is complete. The attorney will also advise you the relevant medical experts to consult. Here at J. Robert Surface Law Firm, we specialize in helping you get the maximum SSA benefits for your disability. We work closely with you to ensure that you get the benefits you deserve. Call us today to book a FREE consultation with our disability lawyers in Columbia SC and discuss your case in a one-on-one session.