What Are Common Roadblocks For Receiving SSDI Insurance In Greenville, SC?


Approximately two-thirds of the SSDI insurance claims filed every year in Greenville, SC, and throughout the country receive a negative answer. As if that were not enough, the claim review process takes months, time in which the applicants lose money or gather debts.
The reasons why the Social Security Administration may deny a claim are numerous and they range from insignificant procedure errors or mistakes to insufficient evidence or ineligibility. The best way for Greenville applicants to prevent a denial is to work with an Social Security Disability Insurance lawyer.
Experienced Greenville SSDI insurance attorneys are familiar with the roadblocks for receiving SSDI benefits and know how to avoid them. We will review the most common roadblocks in the following lines.

The Most Common Roadblocks to Receiving SSDI Insurance in Greenville, SC

1. Insufficient Evidence

Since the SSA does not mention specifically how much evidence an applicant should submit, or what type of evidence they should provide, many applicants submit the medical reports they have, without realizing those are incomplete or fail to prove all aspects of their disability or their inability to work.
That is why it is advisable for applicants to hire an SSDI insurance lawyer in Greenville, SC. The latter can analyze the available evidence and assess whether it is sufficient or additional evidence is required. In case the available evidence is not enough, the attorney will also be able to tell what is missing.

2. Short Lasting or Mild Medical Condition

Only severe conditions or disabilities expected to last twelve months or more qualify for SSDI insurance, so claims referring to minor disabilities that last less will automatically receive a negative answer. The SSDI benefits are available to Greenville residents whose impairment is severe enough to affect them for one year or more and prevent them from working at full capacity and earning their living in the meantime.

3. Applicants’ Failure to Comply with Doctor Recommendations or Treatment Protocol

When applying for SSDI benefits, applicants must prove not only the severity of their condition but also their compliance with doctors’ orders. For example, if a doctor recommended surgery, the patient will have to prove they underwent surgery. Failure to follow doctors’ orders could make the patient responsible for their condition and disqualify them from receiving SSDI insurance benefits.

4. Disability Having Alcohol or Drugs Abuse as a Main Cause

The SSDI insurance does not cover situations in which the inability to work comes from addiction to alcohol or drugs, or the applicant’s condition could improve if they gave up alcohol or drugs.

5. Failure to Meet Non-Medical Eligibility Requirements

Claims that do not meet the requirements of the SSA usually result in a denial.  The most common non-medical requirements refer to the applicant’s financial situation. For example, applicants should not earn more than $1,180 per month ($1,970 for blind applicants), which is the threshold for substantially gainful activities.
Other examples include providing incorrect information, missing SSA appointments, failing to report relevant data, and more. Many applicants meet all requirements but fail to provide current contact information and the SSA cannot get in touch with them to request more evidence, schedule a consultative exam, or ask additional questions.

6. Applicant’s Lack of Cooperation with the SSA

When applying for SSDI insurance, Greenville residents have to allow SSA to check their medical files. They also have to be ready to respond to any requests for additional documents and participate in consultative exams. Failure to do so will lead to benefits denial.

7. Applicant Incarcerated, Violating Parole, or Disabled While Committing Felony

SSDI insurance is not available to those incarcerated, those who acquired their disability while committing a felony, and those who are on probation or parole who violate the terms of their release.

8. Fraud SSDI Insurance Claims

As any SSDI insurance lawyer in Greenville will confirm, trying to obtain disability benefits by fraud is not a good idea. The SSA reviews every SSDI claim carefully and will catch any inconsistencies.
Moreover, the doctors conducting the disability rating and eventual consultative exams will surely identify the fraud attempt and report it. Not only that the applicant will not receive SSDI benefits, but they will expose themselves to serious charges and punishes.

Avoid Roadblocks and Obtain SSDI Benefits with the Help of an Experienced Greenville SSDI Insurance Lawyer

Applicants whose claims are denied can request the SSA to reconsider their application. However, the process will take months, and there is no guarantee the SSA verdict will be favorable. The best course of action for all applicants is to seek assistance from an experienced SSDI insurance attorney.
If you want to make sure your SSDI benefits claim is approved, save time and effort, and gain peace of mind, your best bet is to work with an experienced SSDI insurance lawyer like Robert J. Surface. Call (864)300-4994 or fill in the contact form now, and schedule a Free consultation at our Greenville office!